Thank You for your Feedback! (Lisa Crilley Mallis 2018-01-10)

We hope to see you at future luncheons.  While you’re here . . .

If you’d like to join CATA, or know a plaintiff’s lawyer who should, please check out the benefits of membership, which includes a membership application.  Our mission is to help trial lawyers better represent their clients through educational programs and information.

Sign up for the next luncheon CLE right now so you don’t miss it!

Access special materials from Lisa Crilley Mallis:

  1. Nine Steps of Delegation
  2. Magic 168 Action Guide
  3. The Six Triggers of Procrastination
  4. Lisa’s website, Impactive Strategies
  5. Schedule an Appointment with Lisa
  6. Lisa’s YouTube Channel

If you have comments or questions about the presentation, you can leave them below!