On Friday, June 13, 2014, the Cleveland Academy of Trial Attorneys (CATA) held its annual installation and awards dinner. The event was held at The Club at Marriott Key Center and was well-attended. The speaker was Joel Feldman, founder of the Casey Feldman Foundation and End Distracted Driving (End DD) Campaign.
Joel presented his End Distracted Driving Powerpoint program to all members in attendance and certainly inspired all attendees to become involved in his End DD campaign. CATA has decided to adopt Joel’s End DD program as it attempts to reach out and give back to the Northeast Ohio community. CATA truly believes that through education and presentations they can make a difference and change the behavior of distracted drivers. They truly believe they can make a difference and save lives.
In addition to Joel Feldman’s presentation, Chris Mellino received the President’s Award and Mark Ruf was the recipient of the CATA Outstanding Service Award, which was presented posthumously. New officers Ellen Hobbs Hirshman, president; Kathleen St. John, vice president; Rhonda Baker Debevec, secretary; and Cathleen Bolek, treasurer, were sworn in as well as the trustees of the Board of Directors.