The Cleveland Academy of Trial Attorneys (CATA)

The Cleveland Academy of Trial Attorneys (“CATA”) is an organization made up of lawyers representing injured people in all areas of personal injury law, including medical malpractice, workers’ compensation, and product liability law.

CATA was founded in 1959 by a dedicated group of Cleveland attorneys with the goal of helping trial lawyers better represent their clients through educational programs and information. CATA remains committed to that goal today, providing member attorneys access to an extensive deposition bank, the CATA News, CLE seminars, an email listserve, and an interactive CATA blog.

CATA is operated by selected Officers and a Board of Directors, which meets monthly to discuss ways that the organization can continue to better serve its members. Click on Benefits of Membership for more details about what CATA has to offer.

You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn


Protected: 2025 CATA Litigation and Voir Dire Institute

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Still space for November CLE!!! Register today!

Members and friends, There is still time to register for our exciting two-pack of CLEs relating to traumatic brain injury. These […]

Annual Installation Dinner and Party!
Past Newsletters
CATA Litigation Institute – Friday, April 26, 2024

The Cleveland Academy of Trial Attorneys is pleased to promote  Persauasion and the Practice of Law in the 21st Century for […]

CATA thanks our Platinum Sponsor, CW Settlements, for their support: